Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So I'm sure you have already seen this but I seriously love it. Not gonna lie, I wish I was cool enough to have someone fly me and a baby grand up on some cliff in Southern Utah to play a sweet song. Hadlie loves it too. She sings "Bumble Bumble, Bumblebee. Bumble bumble, Bumblebee. Bumble bumble, Bumblebee. Woah oh oh ohhhhh..." Good times in Paradise. :)

Burrrt... Burrrt...


This was a few months back but they make me laugh every time. Instead of your usual "Brr it's cold" expression - Hadlie throws on a T at the end turing it into a "Burrrt!" Classic videos right after a nice warm bath. :) (Sorry it gets kind of foggy - the lens got a little moisture from Hadlie's little hands.)