Thursday, March 25, 2010

Holes in a woman's uterus... bad combo...

Boy do I have a story for you. So as I have mentioned in earlier posts that I was going to have to have a D&C done because I had "retained materials" left from labor which was causing me to bleed. (Yes, if you'd like to do the math, that is a FREAKING long time to be wearing the big girl diapers.) So in all reality I thought, "Ok this will be a good thing. Everyone has said they are smooth these days, just go in, scrape it out, and then maybe I'll stop bleeding. Easy enough!" So I would like to share my experience with you now. :)

Tuesday morning I first went to my dentist appt and surprise... I have a few cavities that I'll get fixed on Monday. My mom took work off to come watch Hadlie while Aaron took school off to take me to the hospital for the surgery. When we got there the nurse was getting me all ready, you know the drill. Pee in cups, weigh yourself, change into the cute hospital gown, get your IV put in. So we get to this point and now it is just a matter of time for them to wheel me on down to the OR. But I waited a long time. That surgical center is crazy chaotic! My room faced right out to the desk where everything is planned and nurses were everywhere, "No I need that patient in room 3 not 6." "Dr. so and so is running 20 min behind!" It was an eye opener on how organized these hospitals have to be.

Finally, my doctor came into my room to see if I was all ready and if I had any questions for the simple procedure. I was just reading some lame textbook and I really didn't have any questions. I just wanted to get it over with. So after he left, the OR nurse came in and asked me basically the same thing. I told her no questions still. So she left. Then the anesthesiologist came in and he had more to go over because you have to sign that form that pretty much says, "I am aware that I could die from the anesthesia..." ha So we signed the papers, and he said, alright let's go! I kissed Aaron goodbye and I remember getting wheeled into the OR and hearing rap music! ha I was like, "Nice choice of music guys!" Dr. Olsen looked at me and said, "I actually chose this today." And I said, "Really?" And he laughed and shook his head like heck no. The nurse girl was like, "It could be worse. Sometimes we get the BOM on tape!" Ha So they just start doing their thing. And Dr. Olsen asked me if I was ok, I said yes, and that was that. Lights out and I took my long nap.

Well a lot apparently happened during that long nap. I remember when I came to I was in like this recovery room and a nurse was monitoring my vitals and she mentioned something to me about my incisions. I thought, "Wait a minute... incisions? Did they do the wrong procedure on me because I never remember hearing anything about incisions?" My throat hurt super bad too. And she told me that they sedated me pretty heavily so they put that breathing tube down my throat. Then I was super confused. After awhile, some man drove my bed back to my room where my husband was waiting for me.

Dr. Olsen came in to check up on me and tell me a little bit more on what happened. (He had already talked to Aaron and explained it.) Well they put the camera inside me and could see about a quarter sized piece of whatever that needed to come out. The bad part about it is that this whole procedure is done by feel. So they take this took up there to scrape it out. However, because I just barely had a baby, the lining of my uterus was so thin and I started to bleed a ton inside. He poked a hole in my uterus. I looked at him all shocked (even though I was just teasin) and I said, "You what?! You poked a hole in my uterus?!?" Ha I could tell that he felt really bad. But because of this, they had to do what is called a laparoscopy. So they made one incision at my belly button and one down in the pelvic area. They pump you with air to get a more clear image of everything iside. But he said with the tool he was using, he could have poked a hole in my intestines. So they had to make sure they didn't do that. Then they cotterized the hole in my uterus to stop that bleeding. And I think that is all that happened during my nap. :)

He said I looked really pale which scared him because that is a sign of losing blood still so someone came and drew my blood but it was fine. So that was good because he was going to keep me overnight if it was too low. But I missed my baby and wanted to go home. But they kept me there til about 7pm because my O2 levels kept dropping. I finally was allowed to go home and it was a good thing because I was starting to say some loopy things Aaron says. They gave me another hospital mug (so I have 3 now) and I looked at Aaron dead serious and said, "Do you think I can sell one? I have a lot now!" ha Anyway, I went home and saw my baby and then I felt happy again.

The incisions hurt when Hadlie accidentally kicks one of them. I haven't experienced much cramping or anything. The worst part of the entire thing is the air that they pump inside your body! Oh my HECK! It's an awful feeling. But it is mostly gone now... 2 days later. So now I'm just hoping that the flow will stop in the downstairs and everything will heal the way it is supposed to. Think positive right?! & enjoy the journey whatever comes your way.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


This is just a funny story but I had to wake up early the other morning. I can't remember why, probably to feed Hadlie or something. But I roll out of bed and the radio had been playing (as an alarm) and I shut it off but I don't recall anything specific of what was playing on the radio.
Anyway, my sweet husband Aaron was fast asleep, but then he needed to change positions and he stretched and as he was rolling over he sang (in the most sleepy beautiful way ever)...

"DOT COM!!!"

And just like that he was out cold. Haha It definitely made my whole day. He's so great and makes me laugh. Love ya Air Bear!

"Is that a new shirt??"

Ok so these pictures are just here because she is so stinkin' cute and that is one of my favorite outfits so far. Anyway, the title of this represents my stupidity and because this is my blog, the place where you can write anything and everything you want, I'm going to share my stupidity with you. Haha

So Hadlie is 6 weeks old now and I went to my 6 week checkup with my OBGYN. I got up and threw on a brand new shirt that Aaron had bought me shortly after Hadlie was born... from Aeropostale to be specific. I ripped the tag off from my armpit and left for my appt. Obviously you have to undress from the waist down because the Dr. needs to check you and make sure everything is normal as far as recovery goes from pushing out a 9lb watermelon!

So he starts to check me and all of a sudden he asks, "Is that a new shirt?" Immediately I felt so dumb because how ELSE would he know it was a new shirt. I said, "Yeah??" And he just says very politely, "You still have the tag on." Haha I about died. (And just to note, this was as I was being checked... as if its not already awkward enough?!) Anyway, I sat up and could barely find it because it was one of those little round stickers with the size on it! I'd only been wearing that like... ALL MORNING LONG! Ha Story of my life.

As a depressing part of that appointment, I told him that I was still flowing in the downstairs and he let me know that it wasn't normal for that to still be happening. He explained that I might have something inside like placenta leftovers or something that shouldn't be. So he had me schedule an ultrasound the next morning and sure enough, the lab tech found a nice big chunk of "material" up inside.

The way thye fix all of this is by doing a D&C and I am SUPER excited! Not really, but I am thankful for the technology these days to be able to fix these problems. If I were a pioneer back in the day, if I even survived child birth, I would probably die from bleeding to death because no one would know how to fix the problem! But I go in on the 23rd and they will put me out and go up and scrape me out! So we're hopin for a quick recovery because the next day I have a Relief Society Birthday Dinner and it should be really nice and as the 1st Counselor in the Relief Society, I would really like to go. So wish me luck!
Oh and I'll be sure to remove ALL tags before I go in for my surgery. :)

Back to Work!

Yes, Hadlie and I are back to work. 3 weeks after she was born we went back. I work at Cache Valley Oxygen and we are so lucky because Hadlie is able to come with me everyday until she is 6 months old. That will get us through the entire summer. So this picture is our first day back in the office.
I call this the "Baby Hotel" because it is seriously the most high class pac'n'play I have ever seen! My co-worker Brannon brought it for us to use. It holds our diapers and has a little changning table that folds out. So that's where all the fun stories happen. Like Hadlie pooped on my hand while I was changing her. Then Heidi my other co-worker started to change that diaper (because I was washing my hands) and Hadlie peed all over her hands! Ha Definitely some funny stories.

This little carrying device is also Brannon's. (She's so great. She also let me use ALL of her maternity clothes which was two great big totes full. She's helped me out so much through all of this baby stuff.) But this wrap thing is crazy. I had never seen one before. It's like a mile long I swear... ha Kasey always has to remind how you wrap it around yourself but she helped me to get Hadlie all snuggled into it next to me. She loved it. She slept for a long time... and then she pooped all over the herself, the wrap thing, and me! The joys of parenthood. :)

This is also another classic position you will find Hadlie in at my work. I can bounce her and she will usually fall asleep for quite awhile. (I just have to watch her head because sometimes she lifts it up in her sleep and I have to make sure she doesn't smack it on my desk!?) But this way, I am hands free and can type and answer the phones really easy.

Kasey is so dang nice and made cupcakes for Hadlie's 1 month mark. It was quite a day for Hadlie. She came to work and watched everyone ELSE eat her cupcakes! :) But it was fun, I cannot believe how fast the time flies. Everyone is always telling me, "Enjoy it while they're young because they grow up so fast." I am already starting to feel that, but it is very exciting to see all the new things they learn to do each and every day.

Home from the hospital!

This is what our sweet neighbor girls did to our front door as our greeting to come home. It was really fun to see.

Hadlie enjoys sitting in her bouncy chair.

And dangling in Grandma's arms.

Tummy Time! Hadlie is such a strong little girl. She can already roll over which we think is pretty amazing. She holds her head very well and will stand on her feet when you hold her hands for a little while anyway. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Visitors at the hospital!

Proud new mommy.
Proud new daddy!
(She looks so tiny when Aaron is holding her.)

Proud grandparents.
Grandma & Grandpa Petersen

Grandma Doolin

Grandpa Doolin

Two of my best friends Carli & Emily.

And Hadlie's favorite Aunt Michelle.
(She is so great, she loves Hadlie so much and just dives right in to changing diapers.
That's when you know you have true friends.)

She's here!!

Please notice the numbers on the scale... :)
Yes, that is right. Almost 9lbs!!

Pardon the somewhat frisky picture...
but this is our first family photo.

Hadlie's very first bath given by some random nurse! :)
(Aaron was so tired that he couldn't funtion enough to give her the bath... but it's ok because he gives her baths now.)

Hadlie was screaming and then when she held her head under the running water, she calmed right down. It was kind of interesting to watch. The womb must be like a running tap of warm water... or something like that?! Haha

(And sorry this picture is tilted the wrong way.)

Hadlie Layne Doolin

Introducing our cute little bundle of joy:
Hadlie Layne Doolin

February 5, 2010
8lbs 15oz
21in long

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Labor Story

I was 40 weeks and ready to pop. Actually, I was two days past my due date and tired of not being able to tie my shoes, put socks on, walk normal, zip up my coats, and all the other joys of being pregnant. I had fun while it lasted but it was time to be over. My doctor, Dr. Olsen, told about Logan Regional Hospital's policy and how they cannot start you on petocin, if there were no other complications, until you were one whole week past your due date. Crazy I know. So there I was at work, one day past my due date, and I freaked out a little. I thought I couldn't feel my baby move anymore. (But what do you expect when you have such a big baby all crammed up inside a stomach? I probably wouldn't be moving around much either!) So, deep down I knew she was ok, but I thought I'd use it as an excuse to get started at my Dr's appt. the following day. It was worth a try, right?
We went to my appt. at 9:00am and Dr. Olsen came in to check me. I had high hopes that I had made lots of progression, but I was wrong. No progression whatsoever. I mentioned to him my concern about her movement (although I knew she was ok, and he did too), but I got hooked up to do stress tests to see how the baby was. As I was sitting there, Dr. Olsen came back in and looked at me and said, "So, you are concerned about your baby's movement, right?" And I looked at him and said, "Yes..." (That way, he had something to document for their policy.) And he said, "Ok, let's have a baby today!" I was a little shocked and nervous but really excited. So I didn't even leave the hospital, I just moved up to the next level, labor and delivery floor.
I got changed and got my IV in and started on the petocin by 11:00am. Aaron left after that to run some errands (since we weren't planning on having the baby that day) such as taking our rent check and getting my suitcase that he packed for me and changing from his work clothes to normal clothes. So I hung out by myself for about an hour. I don't remember much, probably because I was in shock that I was really going to have a baby soon.
Our first nurse was nice. She kept coming in to ask me what my pain level was and how much I thought I could tolerate until I got my epidural. I went with the number 6 (on a scaled 1 to 10). My body really wasn't doing much but hanging out, oh and starving to death (ice and Popsicles only go so far for a hungry pregnant woman). Aaron and I took a walk on that floor, just as something to do; a change of scenery I guess. Aaron held my IV pole and I help my big belly. Finally around 5:00pm Dr. Olsen came up after a hard day's work and checked my status. not much dilation so he opted to break my water. I looked at him and said, "So how does this work? You just stick that giant crochet thing up there and then I just basically pee the bed?" They laughed and said, "Yet, that's pretty much how it goes." I was like, "Ok? Whatever?!" It took awhile for him to hook it just right but then there was no mistake about it when I felt the wetness, just as if I had peed the bed. And to think that grown-ups don't do that kind of stuff.
Aaron and I whipped out the phase 10 cards and night at the museum II DVD. The movie was over and then I had to call off the card game because I could tell that it was game time. The contractions were getting harder and harder. I was getting really uncomfortable. So I just have to say, there is no way of preparing for these labor contractions. They seriously hurt so bad and there is no escaping them! It doesn't matter if you lay down, or curl your body up, or crouch down while standing, they will still be there making you want to cry. Aaron was honestly my hero. He didn't leave my side once and helped me to focus. He would count with me (although to some point I couldn't even concentrate on counting because the pain was so bad.)
Our nurse came in close to 6:00pm and asked what I thought my pain level number was at this point. I said a 7 and that I was ready to get my epidural. Her awesome news for me was that the anesthesiologist had gone to dinner. Go freaking figure!? She said he would probably get there by 6:30pm and I thought to myself, "Ok I can do it. I can be strong." So I watched the clock, five minute increments, no doctor. Just me, my sweet husband, and the worst pains I have ever felt in my life. They continued to get stronger and harder and I was starting to get sick to my stomach. I told Aaron and he grabbed the little pink tray (fast reactions) and I was going through a hard contraction and ralphin in the pink bowl. Aaron held the bowl for me. He was so good to me. It was just honestly so unbearable. 6:30pm came around, still no doctor. The clock kept ticking and I wanted to cry. I remember looking at Aaron, squeezing his hand and saying, "Gosh dangit this hurts!" (Except to keep this story honest, I have to admit, I said the real word. But that was the only cuss word I said through the whole experience. Promise.)
About 7:00pm rolled around and Dr. Skabelund finally came to my room. At this point, I could barely talk and wanted to cry. One good thing is he was super fast. He told me to lay on my side and he crunched my body up into a ball so my spine was poking out. He said, "Now if you get another contraction, I just need you to pant right through it and don't move." I laughed inside thinking that it would be impossible to hold still but Aaron got right down to my face and helped me to get through the contraction. Skabelund asked me if I could hear a ringing in my ear or had a funny taste in my mouth all of a sudden. (Signs of... something gone wrong? Luckily I didn't experience any of those things.)
After this point, I was so happy and in heaven, I couldn't believe how amazingly awesome I felt. no more contractions (that I could feel anyway) just like that! Aaron finally went and got some food for himself because I was now at ease. But then it was time to get a new nurse because our original nurse's shift ended. So she placed a catheter inside me because as you can imagine it is not very bright for someone to get up and walk to the bathroom when their legs are completely numb. Now it was just a matter of dilating to a 10 and we were in for a wait. They noticed that baby's heart rate (or something) would drop a little because of my epidural so they made me put on the oxygen mask to keep her happy. (It was really annoying to have on my face, but if it was for the baby's well being then I was willing to wear it.) Aaron took a nap on the tiny uncomfortable couch and I tried to nap but it was hard to help with the oxygen mask blowing air in my face. Time went by and the nurse kept coming in to check my progression. I was going so slow, it seemed that I would never get to a 10. I remember watching some show on like a Discovery channel where a husband and wife and their little baby got stuck in a snow storm and they were not very prepared and ended up walking in the freezing cold for an entire week! What this has to do with my labor?... Nothing really. I just remember the show pretty vividly. Haha Anyway, by 1:00am she checked me and it was a miracle, I finally got to a 10! She said that we were going to wait for one hour to allow the contractions to basically help work the baby downward on its own rather than using all of my energy. (Rest & Decent) Although I had an epidural, and it was so wonderful, I was starting to feel the pressure of my baby coming downward. It was very uncomfortable and the pain was starting to get stronger. One hour had gone by, it was 2:00am and it was go time. She taught me the method of how to push. Her and Aaron would push my knees up to my chest. I had to have her remind me that it was completely normal to pass gas or even poo a little. Haha (You seriously lose all dignity you ever once had when it's time to have a baby.) She asked if I wanted to have the mirror and I told her yes. (At first I thought it was a little freaky because I'm not a huge fan of looking in the downstairs area, but I thought I'd have it out there anyway and I'm glad I did.)
As the contractions came, I kept pushing and breathing and pushing and breathing. I had to continue to wear the oxygen mask which was really a pain when I was trying to push so hard and breathe all at once. About 2:45am the nurse decided to call Dr. Olsen and have him come to deliver our baby. As I would push, the nurse kept saying, "Oh look at how much hair she has! Keep pushing!" Because I had the mirror, I could see the head which was extremely motivational. I could also see other things I was pushing out, that however, was not very motivational. Haha Dr. Olsen arrived about 3:00am and the nursery nurse arrived also. As Dr. Olsen got all ready, I just kept on pushing. As I was pushing and almost done with the pushing routine, he asked me if I could give him one more big push and I saw the mirror and could see a lot more head coming out. This was enough for me to push harder than I have ever pushed in my life. I felt her head come out and he basically did the rest to get the rest of her body out. I heard the most beautiful scream of a baby I have ever heard. Then he delivered the placenta,. which was such a relieving feeling. All of the pressure was gone just like that. (I have heard that it felt like taking the biggest poo ever and it was true! Haha)
Hadlie Layne Doolin was born at 3:11am. 8lbs 15oz, it was a good thing I didn't wait any longer to have her, she would've been a really big baby. She was also 21in long. They wiped her off and put her directly on my bare chest (kangaroo hold) and I got a littler teary eyed. I couldn't believe that I was holding my baby. She was so beautiful and I was just so overwhelmed with joy. Aaron cut the cord and Dr. Olsen also let him inspect the placenta with him. Aaron thought that was pretty cool. (Don't forget the joke about the Placenta Fajitas... Aaron thinks he is so funny.) Right after she was born, Dr. Olsen pushed on my stomach to make sure everything was ok and he totally pushed a tooters right out of me... right in his face!! Haha I was almost mortified but yet I wanted to laugh my head off. Instead I ignored it all and focused on my new baby. Dr. Olsen had to stitch me up because I had a 2nd degree tear which he said was pretty average. I personally thought it wasn't too bad for pushing out such a large baby! When he was done, he congratulated us and left... probably to go back to bed. (What a life. haha) The nurse got me some food and I tried to nurse Hadlie.
After one hour, they wheeled us up to the next level of the hospital, labor recovery. We hit yet another shift change so we got a new set of nurses. One nurse came in to take care of me and another came in to give Hadlie her first bath. Aaron was so exhausted that he opted to not help out with the bath. By the time everyone left (including Aaron because I wasn't about to let him sleep on the tiny couch in the hospital) and I could go to sleep, it was about 6:30am. I had so many emotions running through my head that I could not fall asleep. Plus by this time, people were already starting the new day! I was completely off schedule. Then more nurses came, Aaron came back to me after a few hours of sleep for him, and then visitors came. Such as my parents and all of Aaron's family drove up from Cedar City that day. Needless to say, I went about 48 hours with no sleep. So that night Araon made me take an Ambien and have the nursery take Hadlie for the night so that I could get some sleep. It was much needed. Saturday came around and we just enjoyed the pampering of all the nurses taking care of everything. We decided to leave after dinner around 7:00pm. We took Hadlie home and started the real adventure!
Aaron was seriously such an amazing "labor coach" and such a sweetheart. He took care of my every need and I could feel his love for me with every step of the process. And when I saw Hadlie for the first time, I had never felt so happy with my life ever before. I love my husband. and I love our little family that we have started. I am not a perfect mommy, but I try each and every day. Hadlie is a little trooper, she puts up with going to work with me and doing school with me also. We will get through it all. She is a sweetheart and I love her so much. And that is my once in a lifetime experience for my first labor story.

The beginning of Labor...

(Please start at the bottom pic of this post. I did it backwards!)

It had been a long day/night, I got that epidural though, but then they made me wear this sexy mask. I know... hold your comments please. :)

I believe that the contractions started to come on a little stronger at this point. It was definitely time for that epidural.

So obviously I am a little rusty at blogging because my pics are all backwards. :) Oh well, you'll just have to read it backwards! So starting with THIS pic, as you can see, Feb 4, 2010 I was sent up to the Labor & Delivery floor. Things were lookin' good and I was feelin' great. Next pic...