Monday, July 30, 2012


Baby Doolin #2!! Our family is so excited for our little addition. :) I am currently 17 weeks along and feeling great! We will find out the flavor on Aug 20th... I will do my best to post that update on this sad deserted blog of mine. Haha Hadlie is very excited. Aaron calls the baby "baby Bruce" so that is also what Hadlie calls him/her. (when Hadlie was on the womb, she was our "baby Ted") and when I ask her what we are going to have she will reply, "umm... It's just a baby sister." or she may tell me, "hmmm, let's have a baby brother!" ha so I don't think she really cares. I am kind of hoping for a little boy deep down but I will take whatever I can get. I am just really grateful that we are having another baby, boy or girl. :)