Once upon a time, at the Doolin's, life got crazy busy with church callings, finishing school, and parenthood. And so the blog got pretty neglected, but we're back because our callings have changed, Aaron and I graduated from college, and Hadlie Bug is just growing up and there are so many cute/funny/precious/etc. things to blog about with her. So bear with me and this large catch up from the past 6 months! :)
Happy 6 months Hadlie!!
First bath in the sink! (Every child has to have this picture, right?)
Nothin' like tap water in Logan, UT.
Cache County Fair... so this is the first time I have ever been to any other fair than the Box Elder County Fair, it was a lot of fun, however, I must say that the Cache County Fair only had about 10% of the animals to look at. But they had lots of sheep! :)
We went with our good friends the Browers. Laura and I did our 300 hour practicums together at the Family Info Resource Center and it was a lot of fun because her little boy is only about 2 months younger than Hadlie. So these little kiddies have been friends since the beginning. :) As you can see, they are having an absolute blast with all the sheepies. haha
This was just a dang cute outfit day... provided by Aunt Kelsie. :)
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